At the Danube Channel

A truly strange feeling. An atmosphere I have never experienced before. That is how you could describe that last Sunday before a quarantine was enacted here in Austria as a response to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Although going out for a walk is still possible (as long as you do it alone or with people from your household) my wife and I decided to take a walk this last afternoon (in freedom).

Walking along the Danube Channel an through the Prater, the mood was kind of subdued. A future more uncertain than ever and nobody knows how the next few weeks will turn out. Will there be more restrictions? How will the quarantine actually work? Isn’t it strange how everything is normal one day and the next day the world gets turned upside down?

A few days ago I read an article about why everything feels so surreal right now and the explanation made sense. It has to do with our brain and how our mind works. Truly fascinating. It doesn’t make the situation any better though…

About the pictures:

When I started editing the pictures I opted for a more artsy look I also use on Instagram. But then I decided to go with a more conventional style using the Standard/Provia profile of my Fuji X-T3 and making some minor changes. In my opinion, too much editing can often distract from an image and its content. Often, heavy editing can make a bad picture much better but that is not what I want. I want the picture to be about the content and not mainly about the editing.

All images were shot with my Fuji X-T3 and a 23mm f2 lens.

Horse Racing Track (Vienna Trabrennbahn)
Social Distancing