Imprint / Impressum

Information according to § 25 Mediengesetz (MedienG) owner and author

The owner of this website and responsible for the content is:

Florian Franz Feuchtner
1030 Wien
(Full address will be provided upon request)

E-Mail Adresse

General information is a platform to showcase my photography, videography and creative journeys.

This website is for information purposes only. The content may change or be removed at any moment without prior notice. Whilst every effort is made to provide accurate information, I expressly exclude liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the content. I take no responsibility for the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical problems beyond my control.

Copyright Notice

The copyright of the content of belongs to Florian Feuchtner, unless expressed otherwise. Redistribution or reproduction of pictures or text without my permission is strictly prohibited.

Links contains links to third-party websites. I take no liability for any views expressed or content published on those websites.